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Thursday, November 6, 2008:Nerves
Oh man oh man.
Twenty-four hours till the plane trip.
And then till Adelaide, Australia.

I can't sit still without twitching.
Its like a mixture of nerves, excitement, and some oddly dark foreboding.
I don't understand why, though.
Why should I be scared?
Unless somewhere, deep inside me, I believe Carmina's story about the murdering and floating corpses in the Hostel-like place.
But I don't of course.
Because that's just silly.

On another note, 3/3 had its class BBQ today.
Thanks to Kiuyan for lending us her condominium's BBQ pit, Minyi and Cheryl for planning all the messy little details out.
It was fun.
Went BBQ-grocery-shopping after the ATC briefing, at J8.
I should improve on my calculative-ness from Cheryl, hahah. She's good at it.
After that, we went off to Kiuyan's condo!
I carried the chips.

And Olivia and Menghong started the fire.
I just tried to put on more charcoals.
And I ate a lot a lot of marshmallows, hahah.

Then some of us went to play with the fountain-thing-thing.
If you cup your hands at the exactly right angle, you can spray the person next to you.
Of course, you get wet too.
And at some point, we went to the pool. Kiuyan's condo has a really nice pool.
1.2m deep.
And the guys went in. Zaff, Menghong, Harris, and (a forced) Shafeeq.
Then the girls finally went in.
And everyone pushed everyone else into the water.
(I went in by a certain someone's push. Granted, I had just pushed someone in as well...)
The water was nice. Cooling. Though it has a habit of dragging your pants down when you move about, thus almost-exposing certain undergarments.
But still. Fun.

Then we took (a lot of) photos, and went back, dripping wet, and tried to blend into the crowd of prawn-eating people again.
And more photos were taken.
And more food eaten.
And we finally reached a certain point where we all got somewhat bored of sitting around there, so we packed up, and headed for the air-conditioned room at the lobby of the condo.
But Olivia, Zaff, Menghong and Rachel went for another swim first.
Pity I had already changed, then. Hm.

And more photos were taken.
Snap snap snap.
I think we scared the little kids in the room.
Their balloon kept floating over to us, and they seemed really disappointed every time it did, even though we always returned them.
Maybe they didn't like us looking at them. Maybe.
And we all walked back to J8, and went home.

Yes, fun (: Very much.
Hope the photos are up in the blog soon.


12:14 AM

Tuesday, November 4, 2008:
1) The person who tagged you is?

2) Your relationship with him/her is?

Friend, I suppose? Three years or so, so far.

3) Your 5 impressions of him/her?
1. Photoshop-pro-in-denial
2. ...Uguu?
3. SnowSerene. Hahahah. Sorry, but its the first thing that came up xD
4. Fluffy sheepy who provides nice, woolen blankets to the whole of DD
5. An awesome person overall, who loves her friends and 'family' so very, very much :3

4) The most memorable thing he/she has done for you?
So many things, really. Gave me that Haruhi signature for my birthday? Set up ZC/DD radio. Got stuck with a lighted splint to produce the 'Moeeeee~" sound, ahah!

5) The most memorable thing he/she has said to you?
And she says it so much.

6) If he/she becomes your lover, you will?
Ask her to feed me marshmallows.

7) If he/she becomes your lover, the thing he/she has to improve on will be?

She's already awesome the way she is.
... But she won't. Because I'm not into yuri, desu.

8) If he/she becomes your enemy, you will?
Give her the rights to formally construct CFC, to make her happy-ish.
Or maybe say 'Onii-chan~~~" to make her heart go all melty and forgive me for whatever I did.

10) You want to tell for him/her now is?
Good luck for Os. And stop thinking so lowly of yourself.
Its depressing for the rest of us too D<

11) Your overall impression of him/her is?

12) How do you think people around you feel about you?
Ehm. I have no idea.
Someone who eats too many sweets, reads too many books, talks too little/too much (depends on the person who you're asking?), spends too much time on the computer, studies way too little.
Yes. I think that's it.

13) The characteristics you love of yourself are?
I like my hair colour. Black. Yes, I like it.
And my chewed-on fingernails.
And maybe that I smile/laugh at odd times, where you really aren't supposed to.
Yes. Proud of them all.

14) On the contrary, characteristics you hate of yourself are?
Too indecisive, lazy, self-conscious.
Too picky too?
And the few freckles on my cheeks.

15) The most ideal person you want to be is?
Someone... Normal?
No wait. That would probably be boring.

16) For people that care and like you, say something to them.
Thank you very much for your care and... like?

17) Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you
1. Carmina
2. Exzy
3. Otoo-san
4. Zhixin
5. Kookies
6. Veron
7. Praveena
8. Yujia
9. Sylvia
10. Cheryl

18) Who is No.6 having a relationship with? (Veron)

19) Is No.9 a male or female? (Sylvia)
Female, I suppose.

20) If No.7 and No.10 are together, will it be a good thing? (Praveena + Cheryl)
Ahahah. I don't know.
The whole world would go crazy under their reign.

21) What is No.2 studying? (Exzy)
Hentai-ism major, lolicon as an additional subject.

22) When was the last time you had a chat with No.3? (Otoo-san)
Last night, via msn/radio.

23) What kind of music band does No.8 like? (Yujia)
Chinese music?

24) Does No.1 have any siblings? (Carmina)
Yeah, one elder sister.

25) Will you woo No.3? (Otoo-san)
No thanks. Not into incest o:

26) How about No.7? (Praveena)
Hahaha, nope.
Someone would kill me (:

27) Is No.4 single? (Zhixin)
No, of course she isn't she has-
Yes, she is.

28) What is the surname of No.5? (Kookies)
I don't know D:

29) What is the hobby of No.10? (Cheryl)
Singing random songs at random intervals in random places to random people.
And swimming, I suppose?

30) Does No.5 and No.9 get along well? (Kookies + Sylvia)
They don't know each other.

31) Where is No.2 studying at? (Exzy)
Something-something secondary school.
... I just forgot.

32) Say something about No.1 (Carmina)
She needs to realize that she's not at all fat.
And that she should really budget her money better.

33) Have you tried developing feelings for No.8?
Eh? No, not at all.
I'm not into Yuri.

34) Where does No.9 live? (Sylvia)

35) What colour does No.4 like? (Zhixin)
Green and yellow.

36) Are No.1 and No.5 best friends? (Carmina + Kookies)
They don't know each other.
But they might be, if they did.
They're both insane.

37) Does No. 1 have any pets? (Carmina)
A pet apple.

38) Is No.7 the sexiest person in the world? (Praveena)
To some 20+ people, yes, I suppose :D
But yeah, she's really pretty.

39) What is No.10 doing now? (Cheryl)
Probably studying for her Os.
Or sleeping.


Marryatville hosting list is up.
And that brings us to a grand total of another one more day till we leave (considering its already past midnight).
I'm starting to get that jittery feeling.
That one where you can't sit right, you feel like twitching, and your heart sometimes feels like leaping out.
Oh yes.
Its almost here.


And I haven't finished packing.


8:10 PM

Cassandra; Cass; Cassie
OLGC '05
2/5 07 4/3 '09
ATC`ian! Welfare
8th June 1993
a sweet tooth
a nyctophobic
a dreamer


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affilates; friends

