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Sunday, March 30, 2008:POP!
Everything needs balance. So to balance out that quite-sad-ish post, there is now a quite-happy post to match! :D

To all those from uniformed groups, please view the following video with discretion, and remember that it was planned/made/filmed all in the name of fun, so please do not bear any grudges against the crew/cast okay? (:

Cast: Secondary four batch of ATC'ians! [graduated with a lasting legacy behind them]
Others: Carmina [the head and torso at the near-end of the video. No, it wasn't racist, Carmina (: ]
Crew: Me [I filmed it :D ]

And 'POP!' goes the bubble.


12:15 AM

Saturday, March 29, 2008:Free-fall
Things that we love in life seem to result in creating copious amounts of joy and sadness.
Sadness seems to come in larger doses.

Seniors gone. All of them.
Its scarily saddening. And saddeningly scary. It works both ways.
Free-falling without a safety net.

weak·ness [week-nis] Pronunciation Key
1.the state or quality of being weak; lack of strength, firmness, vigor, or the like; feebleness.
2.an inadequate or defective quality, as in a person's character; slight fault or defect: to show great sympathy for human weaknesses.
3.a self-indulgent liking or special fondness, as for a particular thing: I've always had a weakness for the opera.
4.an object of special desire; something very difficult to resist: Chocolates were her weakness.

[Origin: 1250–1300; ME weikenes. See weak, -ness]

1. fragility. 2. flaw. See fault. 3. penchant, passion, hunger, appetite.
1. strength.

Why do people have weaknesses? Everyone has weaknesses. But why? Weakness is the lack of strength. Why do we have to lack strength? That only makes us weak. When you're weak, you're vulnerable. When you're vulnerable, you're open to attacks. And then you lose, and the other guy wins. So weakness bring power?

Haha. I sound so emo. To all those who were smart enough to highlight, I'm NOT emo. I'm just contemplating. Which is why I look like I'm in a daze a lot. Hahah.


11:19 PM

Thursday, March 27, 2008:
Serious deja vu. Deja vu usually isn't good. This case isn't.

I think I'm going to be sick.


10:17 PM

Its 9.42pm on a Thursday night, and I have a Maths exercise and an English expositional essay waiting for me, while I just spent the last one half hour sitting here, letting reflex take over physically, and letting my mind wander and think. For one and a half hours.

I'm impressed with my own capacity.


9:41 PM

Saturday, March 15, 2008:
One week passes way too fast >_>"

Unfortunately, some of my tags have been lost due to the spamming of a certain baked good, so I apologize for any tags left un-replied to. Blame it on the cookie [or kookie in this case]

Jelly; Hello (:
zx; hahah. Left-hand-speed-syndrome!
Tracy; Hello tracy :D
Tako; YES! Its very very very nice ;D But the t-shirt maker hated us for it xD
jessaye; YAY :D
ayaka; You get serious sun burn then say. D:
kookies; -nibbles on kookies-

You are open minded and extremely optimistic.

You enjoy almost all facets of life. You can find the good in almost anything.

You keep yourself busy with tons of friends, activities, and interests.

You find it hard to turn down an opportunity, even if you are pressed for time.

Your friends find you fascinating, charming, and easy to talk to.

(But with so many competing interests, you friends do feel like you hardly have time for them.)

You excel in: Inspiring people

You get along best with: The Question Mark

What Punctuation Mark Are You?


5:49 PM

Saturday, March 8, 2008:Sun-kissed
I feel burnt. Sun-smacked [sun-kissed sounds too gentle for what I have.]. And pink. Euw. This is what you pay for when you go for a 8 hour or so period under the sun, with minimal shade and sunscreen. However, what you get in return is the champion class of sec three award, and the ultimate frisbee champion team. So I guess it all evens out, somehow.

Sentosa was BURNING on Friday. Or at least it would be, if not for the lagoon/sea. Walking on the sand at twelve noon till one plus was like walking on hot coals. Not the best kind of flooring you'd want when you're playing games, and rushing from one game station to the other. But still, obviously, we survived!

3/3 won the champion class for sec threes! WOOHOO :D Our first year together as a class, and we're already the champion class. Not bad eh? Mrs Chong won second prize for staff race! I think that's what pushed us up in the ranking, considering 3/3 and 3/4 had the same number of prize winners for the cross country. But still, its awesome that we won :D

3/3's Ultimate Frisbee team won too! I still feel a bit guilty for taking one of the medals when I only played in one match though... [It was one of the reserve medals. But still...] But a medal's still a medal, and its been a REALLY long time since I've gotten a prize for anything :D

We participated in Captain's ball, Tug of war, beach soccer, and Bossaball too, but we didn't win, unfortunately. But we still did awesome in general :D Bossaball is something like playing volleyball on a jumping castle, and the jumping castle has a trampoline on it. Or something to that effect. Looked fun. We were ALMOST disqualified for Tug of war due to a one minute late-time, but we still got to play in the end, though we lost.

However, back to a very important point, past all of the games and prizes and running and searing heat, I am willing to bet that most of Anderson Secondary is pretty uh... Tan now. Like Muthusamy, ahah. This is the first time I've gotten sunburn in a while, and it hurts like hell. Especially when anything with H2O comes into contact with the burnt areas. Mental note: Put on more sunscreen next time round.

Bought jellybeans before going home, at candy empire. Its a small red bottle thingie [Yay. Red! xD] that's filled with jellybeans, and it comes with a little guide stuck on it telling you what colour jellybean has what flavour. Marshmallow is my favourite, while Cinnamon tastes... weird to me. But that's just my opinion. Jellybeans are nice and sweet, and it tastes even better considering the last time I ate one. Stuff always tastes nicer after you haven't eaten it in a while.

For Olivia's benifit: Olivia is very adorable.

Life is like a bottle of jellybeans. You never know what you're getting next.
The only difference is that there's no reference guide for life.


11:02 PM

Wednesday, March 5, 2008:Irrational
I Like What You Say
By Nada Surf

Emergency above
Put on your hard hats and invisible gloves
What's going on
I was on the wagon, I thought I was done
You have to watch out
When one falls in, another came out

You say, I like what you say
I like what you say
You say, I like what you say
I like what you say

They say you have to have somebody
They say you have to be someone
They say if you're not lonely alone, boy there is something wrong

You say, I like what you say
I like what you say
You say, I like what you say
I like what you say

You say, baby, I only what to make you happy
Baby, I only want to make you

You say, I like what you say
I like what you say
You say, I like what you say
I like what you say

You say, baby, I only want to make you happy
Baby, I only what to make you

I like this song :D No, there aren't any cryptic messages I'm trying to tell anyone through this song. I just genuinely like it, that's all.

Tomorrow's the unofficial last day of term one! Finally. I say unofficial, due to the fact that there IS school on Friday, just not formal school with text books, teachers, homework and stuff. Cross country and sports carnival is at Sentosa on Friday! :D 3km for both guys and girls this time round, a little less than last years. Good. I don't like running... The classes 3/3 is playing against look scary. Lots of senior classes.

But let's get through tomorrow first.



8:06 PM

Saturday, March 1, 2008:Late. Or early.
Aww. I missed posting about the leap day um... 33minutes ago. Nevermind. Post late.

Today was leap day! Happens once ever four years due to the earth going around the sun with an excess of 0.25 days every regular year. Then it collects, and it becomes ONE day every FOUR years. Cool isn't it!

AND! As an Irish tradition, girls can propose to guys on the 29th of February, and the guys can't refuse! Hahaha. Poor guys, if they get proposed to by a girl whom they don't like.

I pity those who's birthday is today. In technicality, they only get to celebrate it once every four years. So maybe they get extra nice presents every four years. Or maybe they play cheat, and have it on the 28th of February, or 1st of March. I don't know...

I'm late to post about leap year, but I'm just on time to post about the start of March. March means sports carnival and cross country, March holidays, March holiday homework, and term two! So happy first of march then :D
Haha yes. This was a rather random post.

You have an option to see it as being late, or being early. Pick.


12:32 AM

Cassandra; Cass; Cassie
OLGC '05
2/5 07 4/3 '09
ATC`ian! Welfare
8th June 1993
a sweet tooth
a nyctophobic
a dreamer


Free shoutbox @ ShoutMix


affilates; friends

